Type the name of a school, then choose from the list that appears:

To narrow a search you can also type a comma and the first few letters of the city.
So 'linc,o' would return Lincoln Elem. in Oak Park, Oglesby, and Ottawa
School Name:  City:
Address:  Radius (roughly miles):
School Ethnic Category:{data:_dso.catEthList.getDistinctValues('catEth'), defaultValue:catEthVal, autoShow:false}   School Type:{data:_dso.catSchTypeList.getDistinctValues('catSchType'), defaultValue:catEthVal, autoShow:false}  
Click on a school below to view its data.
No Data Found... use the search boxes above to find a student or alumnus
Advanced Query:   Name of Query:   

NEW: District search: cdt='x016299' would fetch all CPS. and cdt='x' fetches statewide unsuppressed schools.
gradelevel: 5 = Grade 5, 8 = Grade 8, etc.
sex: 1 = Female, 2 = Male
eth: 1 = American Indian or Alaskan Native, 2 = Asian/Pacific Islander, 3 = Black or African American, 4 = Hispanic, 5 = White, 6 = Multiracial/Ethnic
IEP:1 = Yes, 2 = No
stLEP: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
migrant: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
freeLunch: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
cdts: 'x150162990252886'=Chavez Elem., etc. (note that cdts values must be in single quotes and they are prepended with an 'x' to force them to be strings since we don't want the leading zeros to be cutoff.)
year: 2000 through current
Use the fields above, alone or in combination, to filter the records.

cdts='x0162990252886' and eth=4 - for one school's Latino population.
or use rcdts='150162990252886' and eth=4 - for the same result but note that rcdts codes have changed in some regions like suburban cook schools. So cdts is better, just remember to cut off the first two digits that represent the region.
sex=2 and (eth=4 or eth=3) - for statewide male Latinos and Afr Ams. Note: querying large groups like this may take a couple minutes.
cdts in ('x0162990252886', 'x0162990252772', 'x0162990254244') and eth=4 - to compile three school's Latino populations.
cdts like 'x0162990%' and eth=4 - to compile all district 299 Latino population.
By clicking on the links below you will change the baseline year of the statewide data used to determine stanine cutoffs that normalize your data. For some purposes it makes sense to use the same baseline for all years of data. Howerver for general purposes it is best to use the default behavior which is to calculate the stanine of each year's data with that year's statewide data.

Default Baseline - This is the recommended behavior that calculates each year's stanines from that year's statewide data.
2001 and 2006 Static Baseline - This will calculate 2001-2005 stanines against the 2001 statewide data and the 2006-present stanines against the 2006 statewide data.

Statewide and CPS Baseline with Full Demographic Markers (Current) - This is the recommended behavior that calculates each year's stanines from that year's statewide data.
2001 and 2006 Static Statewide and CPS Baseline with Full Demographic Markers - This will calculate 2001-2005 stanines against the 2001 statewide data and the 2006-present stanines against the 2006 statewide data.
No school chosen
Edit the line selections and then click on Refresh Graph
Add a Line or SeriesRefresh Graph
No ISBE Data. You must first search for and select a school.


Name of Column (database field)Sample DataDescription
Query (q)CHAVEZThis is the name of the school or the query that selected the data
group (label)ISAT MathematicsThis is the name of the test or the composite group of tests
subject (subject)MathThis is the subject area of the test
test (test)ISATThis identifies which test was given
cohort (cohort)2014This is the year that this group of students will likely graduate from HS
grade (gradelevel)8This is the current grade level of these students
maxScore (maxscore)311This is the highest scale score achieved by these students
minScore (minscore)200This is the lowest scale score achieved by these students
avgScore (avgscore)267.275This is the average scale score achieved by these students
year (year)2010This is the year the test was given
#Tst (totalcount)80This is the total number (N) of students in this group
%ME (pme)87.5This is the percentage meeting or exceeding state standards
%AAAvg (paaavg)45This is the percentage at or above state average
%ileAvgSS (percentileequivalent)44.4This is the percentile equivalent (based on all state scores) of the average scale score of this group
Z-Score (zscore)-0.141This is the number of standard deviations that the average scale score (avgscore) is from the normal, state-wide average (q23Score)
stanineAvgSS (stanineequivalent)4.72This is the stanine equivalent (based on all state scores) of the average scale score of this group
%BQ (q1pct)26.3This is the percentage of this group in the first quartile of all state test scores
%2Q (q2pct)28.7This is the percentage in the second quartile
%3Q (q3pct)28.5This is the percentage in the third quartile
%TQ (q4pct)16.5This is the percentage in the fourth quartile
%AW (awpct)2.5This is the percentage of this group on Academic Warning
%Blw (blpct)10This is the percentage of this group Below Standards but not on Academic Warning
%Mt (mtpct)68.8This is the percentage of this group who Meet the Standards but do not Exceed
%Ex (expct)18.8This is the percentage of this group who Exceed the Standards
%stn1 (s1pct)8.8This is the percentage of this group who are in the first stanine of all state test scores (Bottom 4%)
%stn2 (s2pct)1.2This is the percentage of this group who are in the second stanine (Next 7% of state)
%stn3 (s3pct)11.2This is the percentage of this group who are in the third stanine (Next 12% of state)
%stn4 (s4pct)18.3This is the percentage of this group who are in the fourth stanine (Next 17% of state)
%stn5 (s5pct)31.8This is the percentage of this group who are in the fifth stanine (Middle 20% of state)
%stn6 (s6pct)13.3This is the percentage of this group who are in the sixth stanine (Next 17% of state)
%stn7 (s7pct)14.1This is the percentage of this group who are in the third stanine (Next 12% of state)
%stn8 (s8pct)1.2This is the percentage of this group who are in the eigth stanine (Next 7% of state)
%stn9 (s9pct)0This is the percentage of this group who are in the nine stanine (Top 4% of state)
#BQ (q1cnt)21This is the number of this group in the first quartile of all state test scores.
#2Q (q2cnt)22.9This is the number in the second quartile
#3Q (q3cnt)22.8This is the number in the third quartile
#TQ (q4cnt)13.2This is the number in the fourth quartile
#AW (totalwarning)2This is the number of this group on Academic Warning
#Blw (totalbelow)8This is the number of this group Below Standards but not on Academic Warning
#Mt (totalmeet)55This is the number of this group who Meet the Standards but do not Exceed
#Ex (totalexceed)15This is the number of this group who Exceed the Standards
s1cnt (s1cnt)7This is the number of this group who are in the first stanine of all state test scores (Bottom 4%)
s2cnt (s2cnt)1This is the number of this group who are in the second stanine (Next 7% of state)
s3cnt (s3cnt)9This is the number of this group who are in the third stanine (Next 12% of state)
s4cnt (s4cnt)14.7This is the number of this group who are in the fourth stanine (Next 17% of state)
s5cnt (s5cnt)25.4This is the number of this group who are in the fifth stanine (Middle 20% of state)
s6cnt (s6cnt)10.7This is the number of this group who are in the sixth stanine (Next 17% of state)
s7cnt (s7cnt)11.2This is the number of this group who are in the third stanine (Next 12% of state)
s8cnt (s8cnt)1This is the number of this group who are in the eigth stanine (Next 7% of state)
s9cnt (s9cnt)0This is the number of this group who are in the nine stanine (Top 4% of state)
q12Score (q12)254This is the cutoff score at the 25th percentile score
q23Score (q23)271This is the cutoff score at the 50th percentile score
q34Score (q34)291This is the cutoff score at the 75th percentile score
belowScore (belowscore)221This is the cutoff score between Academic Warning and Below Standards
meetScore (meetscore)246This is the cutoff score between Below Standards and Meets Standards
exceedScore (exceedscore)288This is the cutoff score between Meets Standards and Exceeds Standards
s12Score (s12)231This is the cutoff score between the first and second stanine
s23Score (s23)240This is the cutoff score between the second and first stanine
s34Score (s34)251This is the cutoff score between the third and fourth stanine
s45Score (s45)264This is the cutoff score between the fourth and fifth stanine
s56Score (s56)279This is the cutoff score between the fifth and sixth stanine
s67Score (s67)293This is the cutoff score between the sixth and seventh stanine
s78Score (s78)308This is the cutoff score between the seventh and eigth stanine
s89Score (s89)329This is the cutoff score between the eigth and nineth stanine
q1deduct (q1deduct)1.97336647727273This is the number of tests at the first quartile cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 25% mark
q2deduct (q2deduct)1.0344387755102This is the number of tests at the second quartile cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 50% mark
q3deduct (q3deduct)0.224856779121579This is the number of tests at the third quartile cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 75% mark
s1deduct (s1deduct)0This is the number of tests at the first stanine cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 4% mark
s2deduct (s2deduct)0This is the number of tests at the second stanine cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 11% mark
s3deduct (s3deduct)0This is the number of tests at the third stanine cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 23% mark
s4deduct (s4deduct)0.329117259552041This is the number of tests at the fourth stanine cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 40% mark
s5deduct (s5deduct)0.921271714192064This is the number of tests at the fifth stanine cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 60% mark
s6deduct (s6deduct)0.241622149837133This is the number of tests at the sixth stanine cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 77% mark
s7deduct (s7deduct)0This is the number of tests at the first stanine cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 4% mark
s8deduct (s8deduct)0This is the number of tests at the seventh stanine cutoff score that are proportionally over the the 89% mark

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Why do the counts of students in some quartile and stanine groups have decimal values? How can there be a fraction of a student?
The reason there are decimals is to account for the fact that there are students just above and just below the given percentile may have the same scale score. So there is no clean break in determining the quartile or stanine boundary. To accomodate this in sub-populations, we look at the state data and take all students on the quartile or stanine cutoff score and assign a proportion to the lower quartile or stanine and the remainder (sometimes a decimal) to the next quartile or stanine. So in the sub-population we use this same proportion to distribute students who land on the quartile or stanine cutoff score, some student are counted towards the lower quartile/stanine and others to the next group. And often the result of the proportioning is a fraction of a student.

Why are there no cutoff scores or deduct values for composite scores?
Composite scores agreggate scores from all the grades available. Each grade has a different cutoff score so we don't use the cutoff scores to calculate this. See below for a note on how they are calulated.

How are Composites calculated?
Compostites are calculated based on the counts in each quartile, stanine, and academic standard group. The counts are totaled among all the grade levels and tests in the composite group, then the quartile, stanine, and academic standard percentiles are calculated based on the totals. This is essentially a weighted average of all the percentiles in the target group.